Advanced Failure Criteria
Job Output Parsing - Purpose
Advanced Failure Criteria allows for customizable Exit Code Conditions
- Failures are still based on Exit Code
Job Output Parsing
- Prompts OpCon to scan the Job Output upon completion and change an Exit Code to a specified Exit Code if the specified String is found anywhere in the Job Output
- Allows Jobs to scan third party log files for specified Strings
Advanced Failure Criteria
- Switch Results to Finished OK
- Switch Comparison Operator to Equal To
- Add a line using OR option
- Enter Exit Codes to be considered Finished OK
Advanced Failure Criteria - Events
- Events can be sent based on the Exit Code received
- Each Operating System has rules for Exit Description Names
- Unix - Use Contains unless the Full Exit Code is spelled out
- Windows - Use the final number
instead of000000000100
Enterprise Manager
Job Output Parsing - Purpose
Advanced Failure Criteria allows for customizable Exit Code Conditions
- Failures are still based on Exit Code
Job Output Parsing
- Prompts OpCon to scan the Job Output upon completion and change an Exit Code to a specified Exit Code if the specified String is found anywhere in the Job Output
- Allows Jobs to scan third party log files for specified Strings
Advanced Failure Criteria
- Switch Results to Finished OK
- Switch Comparison Operator to Equal To
- Add a line using OR option
- Enter Exit Codes to be considered Finished OK
Advanced Failure Criteria - Events
- Events can be sent based on the Exit Code received
- Each Operating System has rules for Exit Description Names
- Unix - Use Contains unless the Full Exit Code is spelled out
- Windows - Use the final number
instead of000000000100